An aerial view of the Wisconsin Capitol building, illuminated by orange and pink light from a sunset.

Supreme Court Ruling Reshapes Knowles-Nelson Grant Process: What You Need to Know

The recent Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling has reshaped the landscape for conservation funding in the state. With the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program up for reauthorization in 2025, it's crucial to understand these changes and their broader implications.

What does the Supreme Court ruling mean for land trusts and others applying for Knowles-Nelson grants?

The Wisconsin Supreme Court’s ruling on the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program is a game-changer for grant applicants. Gone are the days of anxiously anticipating potential anonymous objections from the Joint Finance Committee. While the Department of Natural Resources is still working out its new procedures, professional grant staff will be in charge of the process and will judge applications on their conservation merits, not whether or not those grant requests can survive an arbitrary and unpredictable review process by the finance committee.

However, our work isn’t over. As we look ahead to the program’s reauthorization in 2025, it’s crucial that we demonstrate strong demand for Knowles-Nelson funding. This means not only submitting high-quality grant applications but also showcasing the tangible benefits these projects bring to our communities. By highlighting the exceptional conservation work achieved through Knowles-Nelson grants, we will show why the state must continue to support conservation and outdoor recreation.

Have a Knowles-Nelson win to share? Tell us about it so we can feature it on Every success story reinforces the program’s value to Wisconsin’s natural heritage.

Legislative Reactions and the Road to Reauthorization

The recent Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling on the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program has elicited a range of responses from state legislators. We applaud leaders like Senators LaTonya Johnson & Kelda Roys, Representatives Tip McGuire & Deb Andraca, and legislative candidates like Jodi Habush Sinykin who recognize this decision for what it is: an affirmation that the legislative vetoes were, as we’ve long argued, a gross overreach of legislative power that is clearly unconstitutional. Their support underscores the importance of this ruling in restoring the balance of power in Wisconsin’s government.

However, some legislators, particularly Republican members of the Joint Finance Committee, are attempting to frame this decision as a case of judicial overreach by a “liberal” court, which calls into question the future of the program. This characterization is misleading and ignores key facts:

  • The 6-1 decision was authored by Justice Rebecca Bradley, widely considered one of the court’s most conservative members.
  • This near-unanimous ruling represents a clear rebuke of legislative authority abuse, not a partisan decision.
  • The legislature still maintains significant oversight through program audits, statute amendments, and collaboration with the Natural Resources Board.

The primary concern now is the potential for the Republican-controlled Joint Finance Committee to seek elimination of Knowles-Nelson funding in retaliation. As we approach the 2025 reauthorization, our priorities are clear: We must be consistent advocates for Knowles-Nelson, support legislators who are conservation champions, and hold accountable legislators who would sacrifice our state’s land and water resources for short-term political gain.

Knowles-Nelson enjoys tremendous bipartisan support because it makes it possible for us to care for our land, water, wildlife, and to ensure that our kids and grandkids will enjoy Wisconsin’s outdoor traditions well into the future. Losing it to partisan politics would harm us all. We must unite to protect this vital program and ensure continued state support for conservation. Wisconsin’s outdoor legacy is worth fighting for – we’re committed to this cause and we’re certain that you are too.

What steps can I take right now?

  • Speak up: Send an email letting your legislators know you’re paying attention to their actions on Knowles-Nelson.
  • Share your story: Create a personalized postcard with a photo and message showing how Knowles-Nelson impacts you. Personal experiences shared directly from constituents drive home the program’s worth.
  • Take action: Explore our advocacy toolkit and share these resources with your board, community, and partners. Don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re stronger as a team, and together we can make a real difference.

Featured photo by Cocoabiscuit, 2022

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