A group of people hiking in a forest with yellow sunlight leading the way.

Vilas County passes resolution supporting reauthorization of Knowles-Nelson

Board requests 25 years of continued Stewardship funding.

At the request of their Forestry, Recreation and Land Committee, the Vilas County Board has passed a resolution declaring their support of the reauthorization of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program.

In their resolution, the Board describes how “Stewardship Program funds have supported land acquisition and recreational facilities development within Vilas County,” and notes that “use of program funds… promotes economic development of Vilas County’s tourism-based economy by increasing nature-based outdoor recreational opportunities which benefit the public.”

For these reasons, the Board is requesting funding renewal for 25 years, and will be sending copies of this resolution “to all members of the Wisconsin Legislature that represent Vilas County, to the Governor, and to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.”

You can read the full text of the resolution here. If you’d like to contact your own representatives on behalf of Knowles-Nelson, click here.

Featured image by Joshua Mayer, 2012.

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