Close up of branches with green and red leaves.

The Nature Conservancy in Wisconsin Supports Governor’s Lawsuit

The lawsuit is in response to several years of setbacks faced by the Stewardship Program, including lack of transparency and unnecessary legislative roadblocks.

WISPOLITICS posted a statement from Elizabeth Koehler, State Director for The Nature Conservancy in Wisconsin supporting Gov. Evers’ lawsuit against the Legislature for violating the Wisconsin constitution.

Koehler cites the importance of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program for “protecting and caring for Wisconsin’s land and water for all the social, economic, climate, and biodiversity benefits that nature provides.”

She further notes that the Stewardship Program has been broken because of a lack of transparency and legislative roadblocks that allow anonymous objections to block or stall project funding.

Koehler concludes her statement with, “TNC thanks the governor for addressing this serious issue and working to support Wisconsin’s natural heritage. We look forward to the restoration of a rigorous, competitive, and transparent process for conservation funding and many other important functions of government.”

Featured image by Ken Mattison, 2016.

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