Steep, sandy bluff overlooking Lake Michigan, covered in green vegetation.

Stroebel’s Environmental Record Scrutinized in Wake of Cedar Gorge Visit

Local voters question Senator's support for preserve, citing past opposition to conservation efforts.

Two recent letters to the Ozaukee County News Graphic editor critique Senator Duey Stroebel’s stance on the Cedar Gorge Clay Bluffs.

James Blank of Cedarburg criticizes Stroebel’s tour of Cedar Gorge as inconsistent with his past actions. Blank outlines Stroebel’s history of opposing conservation efforts, including his criticism of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program and statements minimizing conservation’s importance in Wisconsin. As vice chair of the Joint Finance Committee, Stroebel did not advocate for a vote on the project when it was delayed by an anonymous objection. Blank notes that Governor Evers ultimately secured the project’s funding.

Catherine Brown’s letter also questions Stroebel’s recent support for the preserve. She also recounts how the legislature’s Joint Finance Committee, with Stroebel as vice chair, initially denied funds that matched local fundraising efforts for the project. Brown points out that the preserve was only realized through Governor Evers’ allocation of funds and local Democrats’ efforts. She contrasts Stroebel’s appearance at the preserve with his party’s focus on other priorities such as privatization and tax cuts.

Both letters suggest Stroebel’s recent involvement with Cedar Gorge is at odds with his established record on conservation issues. They encourage voters to consider Stroebel’s full history on environmental matters, not just recent appearances.

These letters reflect increased voter attention to legislators’ environmental positions, particularly when actions appear to conflict with long-standing policy stances. As the election approaches, Stroebel’s environmental record has become a point of public discussion.

Featured image by Joseph Gage, 2023.

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