Team Knowles Nelson badge with a bird taking flight.
People from Team Knowles Nelson holding hands up high in a chain celebrating a conservancy site.

Join Team
Knowles Nelson


Sign up for Team Knowles Nelson and join a community of thousands of people who love Wisconsin’s land and water. We know that every voice matters. And when we all speak up together, our message is that much stronger: Renew the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program, our best way to care for Wisconsin’s land and water.

When you join Team Knowles Nelson, we will:
1. Keep you informed on the latest news about Stewardship.
2. Share updates on our advocacy campaign
2. Send action alerts letting you know how to speak up for Knowles-Nelson with the right messages, at the right time, directed to the right people.

Thank you for your support!

– Up-to-date information about policies and issues affecting land and water protection in our state

-Clear and easy-t-follow action alerts

-Access to an app that makes it easy for you to communicate with your elected officials.

Team Knowles Nelson badge with a bird taking flight.

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