Headshot of Joel Kitchens, an middle aged man with brown hair in a suit with a red tie.

Kitchens Touts Steady Leadership

Joel Kitchens highlights his work in support of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program in his re-election campaign for the Wisconsin Assembly.

Joel Kitchens, the Wisconsin’s 1st State Assembly Representative from Door County, cited his work in support of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program in a September 25th, 2020 candidate forum published by the Door County Pulse.

The article states, “Kitchens considers his efforts on water-quality and environmental issues to be the work he’s most proud of. He points to his effort to restore funding to the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund and his work to bring farmers and conservation groups together to come up with solutions to manure management.”

Read the entire article, written by , at the Door County Pulse.

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