A forest along the Niagra Escarpment with bright yellow and green leaves.

Fond du Lac County Seeks Knowles-Nelson funds

The county will apply for a Knowles-Nelson Stewardship grant to cover half the cost of acquiring a popular natural area.

The Fond du Lac Reporter today reported that Fond du Lac County is seeking a Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program grant to help fund the purchase of “The Ledge,” a “pristine natural area” along the Niagra Escarpment.

The 25 acre property overlooks Lake Winnebago and would be preserved as a nature conservancy.

The FDL Reporter story states, “The county will apply for a stewardship grant from the Department of Natural Resources to fund 50% of the cost and set restrictions on land development.

“Knowles-Nelson Stewardship funds support several DNR-administered grant programs that are available to local governments and nonprofits. Stewardship grants fund recreational development and conservation land purchases statewide.

“Other Fond du Lac County lands purchased with the help of stewardship funds include Camp Shaginnapi and Riggs county parks, the Guskey-Miller Conservancy near Ripon, and parks in Rosendale, Fond du Lac, North Fond du Lac and Eden.”

Visit the Fond du Lac Reporter to read the full story.

Featured image: A forest along the Niagra Escarpment in Fond du Lac County. Photo by Joshua Mayer, 2010.

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